Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How has the BCTLT positively changed and supported our district?

My first year of being a Model Teacher in our district is quickly coming to a close. This has been a great year of growth, reflection, and being inspired by others. At the beginning of the year, I was blessed to start my journey in a new building AND grade level. Being a part of the BCTLT helped me come out of my shell to get to know the staff in our building in order to help meet any needs that I could help my peers with. If not for being a Model Teacher, I may not have focused on building those relationships, which has made this experience very empowering for me. Personally, I feel like the BCTLT has helped blend our district into a more cohesive machine. We are given the opportunity to collaborate at our MT meetings and I have gotten to know and work closely with people who I may not have been able to if not for this position.

Another great aspect of the BCTLT is giving the staff the ability to have their voices heard through different avenues. Our staff is trusting of us and how we will respectfully take their questions and concerns to people who can create change. The leadership team is very thoughtful and methodic about our PD days, whether in district or facilitating groups on CFA days. I honestly think this has been the best support from the BCTLT, because when you have people who feel like they are being heard, there may be more openness to new ideas.

I appreciate the knowledge I have gained from being on the BCTLT. I have been given the opportunity to take part in the Steve Ventura training and bring the ideas and desire for improved feedback, and rigorous assessments to my peers. I have had great conversations with other districts and been given great suggestions as well. I love learning and I love sharing the great things we are doing with others.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fierce Conversations- An eye opening experience

There are many skills that I still continue to try and strengthen throughout the year, and communication is a constant! This year has been a big change for our district and myself. I changed building, grade levels, and joined the TLT. I stumbled upon the Fierce Conversation class offered through GWAEA and immediately got excited. 
After just one day I was inspired! This inspiration came from the leaders of the class, as well as the peers who I was attending with. There were many different quotes of the day, but this one stuck with me the most:

“You can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink. But- you can salt the hay.”
{Our job is to encourage others to think outside the box and then let them find the paths themselves.}

Which makes me reflect on how I have encouraged others by "salting the hay" in our building/district. In our building, we have tried surveys, quotes, and even a bathroom bulletin board. Our talks lately have been a lot of about goal setting and feedback based from our Ventura training. Both goal setting and feedback are CRUCIAL piece in being...anyone who aspires to do better with their lives or the lives of others. If you stop by our staff bathroom in Atkins, you will now see a line of goal setting sheets, tips, and ideas to help with personal goals and student goals. I am so thankful our MT team has a common (yet a little silly) place to share resources!

I know how important goal setting is. I see it in my classroom, my personal life, and my profession. I am going to take a piece away from my first day at Fierce Conversation and let silence do the heavy lifting.

This is why so many fear silence, they hum, they make small talk, they can not just ...be in the silence, because answers may came to challenge them or perhaps make them face their truth,:

Silence allows us to go deeper. Memorable conversations include breathing space and people process differently.

**The person with the quickest answer ISN’T always the brightest**

I will remind myself to listen to others, be an open ear without judgement- knowing that's maybe all they need. In the hardest of times, we often just need to know that our voice is being heard.