Sunday, November 22, 2015

Whitaker. Impact. Opportunities. Rambling.

"Leaders often make decisions based on their most negative and resistant employees. That is human nature. We worry about how the most cynical staff member will react or how the few “gripers” will talk about us or this new idea in the lounge. Being aware of their potential reactions is fine. However, making decisions with them in mind rather than our most positive and productive people is a big mistake. "

As we continue to have the conversations of how we can help the climate and culture in our building, I stumbled upon this article. Which got me thinking- "AMEN!"

This article along with a great conversation with local Eastern Iowa Educators just reminded me to MODEL. Model- expectations, instructional strategies, communication with parents, how to build relationships. All of this modeling of course benefits our precious students, but also our life-long learning staff members! The modeling needs to start at the top and work its way down so we can see that "buy-in" in worth the effort to making a change. 

Now. Going back to the previously talked about "gripers" in Todd's article. If we truly sit and think about the impact we can make with staff who is willing to jump in and take a chance with the BCTLT, it far offsets those who aren't yet ready to dip their toes in the TLT waters. So who can we make the greatest impact with? That is the question to focus on. I have been trying to rack my brain to get the small percentage on board and excited about the opportunities when there, staring me in the face are people who see those opportunities and ready to go!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Student advice at its best

I recently found this video on Upworthy and it came at a time when I needed it. This time of the school year, we can get frustrated with our students, especially while assessing. "You know this!" "Try harder." In my past 9 years, I have been guilty of saying all of these things. 
Over the years, I have learned to change my words because of the impact they have on our students. 
As a Model Teacher in our district, I want to help educators to empower students to reach their potential in ways they can take pride in. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Our staff rocks!!

Just as I was thinking of how we could boost the culture in our school, this happens!

Our staff is phenomenal! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Culture and Climate

We had an interesting discussion this week in our model teacher meetings about culture and climate of our schools. As a new teacher to the building, it has been an adjustment to learn new staff and figure out how to read personalities.
Culture is the personality
Climate is the attitude

The question on everyone's mind was- how do we change the climate of our building? What a great question!

Thank to an amazing first grade team, I feel like our climate continues to improve every time we work together. Our culture is what makes our group function and gives us the ability to challenge one another's thoughts. We have taken time to find out what is important to one another to build our relationship.

A question to continue to ponder....When you can't change someone's attitude; how can you change the climate of a building?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Creating a community

Our building MT team has been brainstorming ways to keep bringing up the BCTLT and how we can be used in Atkins. So, together we started a Pinterest board. Here we can pin ideas, cute snacks ideas, and strategies to use in the classroom.
Since we started this, we have put mints in the lounge with a sign that says, "Thanks for your commit-mint!" Although it wasn't a huge gesture, it was a fun little breath of fresh air. :)
We also asked our janitor to put a bulletin board in our staff bathroom. Using this bulletin board, we are going to put up strategies of the month, inspiring quotes, and other bathroom talk.
I'm hoping to get some ideas for learning labs out soon!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The "T word" isn't so bad...Training

Our first day of Model Teacher Training zipped right past. I was a little concerned how well I would understand the concepts and models, especially since this is my first year. I was extremely thankful that ALL staff was so welcoming and ready to explain anything and everything I needed help with.

One BIG topic that stuck with me was the impact we need to make on staff around the district. Last year, MT weren't used as effectively as we would have wished, but what a great way to learn and better our program. This year, we are coming in with a BANG!!

We met as a whole BCTLT group and also had time to break off into our building TLT groups. It was great to get to know my colleagues, especially since many of us are in new buildings with new coworkers. We set up bi-monthly meetings to talk about issues, celebrations, learning labs, and questions that arise along the way.

First thing is first, how can we build a relationship with the staff to gain trust? Our building TLT team had a great idea! One of the first days back, we would travel around and welcome staff "back to the grind!"
Aren't these adorable! Each staff member, including support staff, custodians, and food service received a package!! What a great way to say, 'We are here for you!'

We also talked about the importance of coding communication and documenting follow-up. It was extremely helpful to see the many different ways people went about their coding system. We ended with an excellent document that was created by one of our amazing MT, and someone who I would love to learn more from!

I left that day feeling excited, knowing we as a team had the ability to empower other educators, merely by showing what we do day in and day out in our classrooms. We do so many great projects, activities, and lessons that are worthy to be shared, why not!?

The question now is...Who is going to be our first follower? Who will join our courageous group to help empower and strengthen? I can't wait for the ideas and knowledge that is yet to come.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A blog and a PURPOSE!

Have you ever left after a day of professional development or a conference and felt like you wanted needed to take on the world? There are so many great ideas and strategies jam packed into hours of collaborating and learning with peers. When I leave, I feel like I can conquer anything!

Sleep? Who needs it! I've got to get busy with everything I WANT to do! (Ya Right!)

Throughout the years, I have started to learn that I need to take ONE idea from PD, conferences, EdCamp, etc and make it great. it is! I have entered the wonderful world of Model Teaching, and this is my attempt to start a great way to reflect and share ideas that worked...or ideas that need tweaking! Please feel free to share any suggestions, strategies, and ideas that you have watched in action that have helped empower, strengthen, and ignite your love for education!